The Push Toward Electric Vehicles Requires More Lithium Production Technology
As states like California move toward using more electric vehicles and fewer gas-powered cars, manufacturers are going to need more batteries for those cars. Solid-state lithium batteries are available, although the technology is still fairly new. Solid-state batteries and lithium batteries are not new, but solid-state and lithium batteries are not that old and are still finding their way into vehicles. This type of car battery could allow the electric vehicle market to take off, and the production technology needs more and more research to make the batteries as efficient as possible. By investing in this technology, you make it possible for electric vehicles to overcome some very real concerns.
Storing Longer Charges
Lithium is very good at storing an electrical charge, making it a great material for car batteries. The longer a battery can store a charge and the farther it can go on that charge, the less the owner will need to recharge the vehicle. That leads to less use of electricity from the grid and less strain on the grid. Given that moving everyone over (eventually) to electric vehicles is going to result in a major surge in demand – daily demand – for electricity from municipal grids, the more that can be done to reduce the average daily load, the better.
California has already encountered a problem with charging electric vehicles because of the strain on the state's electric grid. When the massive heat wave of September 2022 hit, owners were asked to avoid charging their cars during peak usage hours. States may still run into these problems even after battery storage technology has improved. But the strain will hopefully be less to begin with, and the need to avoid charging vehicles during certain hours will hopefully become rare.
Longer Battery Life Equals Less Battery Waste
With longer-lasting lithium in solid-state form, these batteries could last longer overall, reducing the replacement rate. That cuts down on waste when the old batteries are discarded. And with research into ways to recycle the materials in the spent batteries, the amount of waste that could be generated would be reduced substantially.
Battery Form Affects Safety
Creating a solid-state lithium battery was a real achievement because these batteries are less likely to create a hazard. Obviously, there are no leaks (the battery is solid, not liquid), and risks like explosions and fire are vastly reduced. This makes these batteries an excellent choice for use in vehicles, which means more lithium needs to be produced. With solid production technology in place, people could be able to stay in their cars and have a safer, cleaner driving experience.
To learn more about lithium battery production technology, reach out to a manufacturer near you.